Strategic Management Consulting for Your Organization
At DeLeon & Stang, we provide expert management consulting and other services to help leaders of organizations in the for-profit and nonprofit worlds remain in compliance, make better decisions and develop more reliable plans. As a result, we can have a much greater impact than you might expect from a CPA firm.
Through our management consulting services, we help businesses optimize results in many areas—from business planning and profitability analysis to making strategic decisions about the structure of the company itself.
In short, we have the financial, compliance and tax knowhow to help you effectively manage your risks while moving your organization forward.
Regardless of your organization’s size or sector, difficult challenges and questions arise on an almost daily basis... Read More
Organizations must constantly adapt and adjust to changes in their industry and competitive landscape… Read More
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At DeLeon & Stang, we think we're one of the best. According to our clients and various award committees, we really are.

We consider [the DeLeon & Stang] team the first-line resource for any of our business needs. Whether we need tax advice or a referral to an attorney, we can always rely on them for assistance. Having DeLeon & Stang by our side provides assurance that we’re doing everything right. We rely on them to know about all the details we wouldn’t have otherwise known needed attention.
—Ann Makowski, Executive Officer