Flexible Training Solutions for a Range of Deeds.
Organizations must constantly adapt and adjust to changes in their industry and competitive landscape, as well as evolving technology. This reality can require an organization to constantly reinvent the way it provides services or interacts with customers, donors or other critical audiences.
In fact, all the best planning and process improvement initiatives don’t help much if your people are unclear about the way such changes affect their day to day job. Effective training is the answer—and it starts with a clear definition of the problem being addressed and specific outcomes you seek. Training also requires having clear expectations of the desired behavioral or other changes, and monitoring results accordingly.
From soup to nuts
We can help you at every step of the process—from defining the particular problem you’re facing to designing and implementing a training solution to address it. We also conduct training around new or enhanced software and processes.
We’ve worked with many training organizations over the years, and have expertise in planning training programs, overseeing their implementation and evaluating results.
If you’re considering training as a solution to a business challenge you’re facing, please contact us.

I gotta tell you—this year's tax return system was soooo easy. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I liked the return so much. These kind of years only come once in a while (lifetime?)
Each year I am in awe that there are folks like you and your crew who do this work (truth to tell: I'd rather put sticks in my eyes)—and eternally grateful that there are. Please thank everyone for me.
And this year I remembered to pay the bill on time . . . without a friendly nudge from Jeanie.
Hope you, and your family—and work family—are weathering these trying times as well as possible.