Rely on Our Business Tax Advisors to Optimize Your Financial Picture
At DeLeon & Stang, tax planning is one of the most important ways we help clients minimize taxes and avoid penalties. In addition to working with you to understand your goals and objectives, our business tax advisors stay up-to-date on exactly how the tax laws apply to you, your business and your family. We also continually look for new tax-saving opportunities and develop creative strategies to ensure tax efficiency.
As your business tax advisors, our view is that tax planning is an essential part of your broader financial plan. For example, by reducing your tax liability, we also help you maximize your ability to contribute to retirement plans. Doing so helps you in both the short and long term: by contributing to a traditional IRA, for example, you can reduce your gross income—and therefore reduce your current year taxes as well. Likewise, our tax planning approach includes advice on related matters, such as the timing of major purchases and other expenditures.
How we help
At DeLeon & Stang, we specialize in the following tax planning, preparation and compliance services:
Year-round tax planning and implementation
Business set-up and structure planning
Mergers and acquisitions consulting
Executive compensation planning and analysis
Multiple and related entity relationships
Digital storage for your convenience
Long- and short-range tax planning
Gain-loss harvesting to offset overall capital gains
Optimizing contributions to traditional IRAs or 401(k) plans
Contact Us
For more information about our tax planning solutions, please contact us.

I gotta tell you—this year's tax return system was soooo easy. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I liked the return so much. —Alicemarie