We provide the comprehensive professional services our clients need to succeed.
DeLeon & Stang is a professional services firm focused on helping clients succeed in every meaningful way—from complying with relevant tax laws to optimizing their core business processes.
We provide business advisory services to a variety of clients, including Non-Profits, Government Contractors, and Small Businesses, as well as traditional CPA and tax services to business owners and other individuals. While we leverage the latest and most innovative technology on behalf of our clients, we also adhere to the same core principles that have guided us since our founding in 1984.
We welcome the chance to hear about the business issues that your organization faces, and are ready to roll up our sleeves and start addressing them.
Improving the lives of our staff, clients, and community with innovation, trust, & integrity
Having FUN while...
Putting Our People First
Enjoy family. Build on your strengths. Do great things together. Offer unrivaled flexibility. Promote communication. Cultivate community service. Develop and reach goals.
Being on the Leading Edge
Promote the best. Set the pace—don’t settle in place. Learn fast. Welcome change. Embrace Technology.
Thinking Tomorrow, Now!
Know your future view to determine the future you. Understand client/industry needs. Identify hard trends. Develop anticipatory strategies. Think forward.
Improving Continuously
Learn and train. Evaluate processes and systems. Be willing to adapt. Create efficient and effective results. Encourage collaboration.
Delivering the Client Wow Factor
Pursue excellence. Provide Insights. Offer meaningful, timely information. Exceed expectations. Solicit client feedback. Maintain and build long-term relationships. -
Teamwork, Passion, Innovation, Flexibility, and Communication
Contact Us
To learn more about our services or to discuss particular business challenges you may face, please contact us today.

Having been in public accounting for over 30 years, I am very grateful to be working at DeLeon & Stang today! From the minute I met the partner group and members of senior management, I knew it was a great move! The Firm’s focus on its core values and continued encouragement and support of those who work here make DeLeon and Stang a great place to work!
—Michele Mills, CPA, DeLeon & Stang