We See Things Differently

When we’re not addressing clients’ needs for business and financial advisory, assurance or tax matters, we’re researching, learning and thinking about related subjects. Check out some of our thinking on a broad variety of topics that may impact your organization. And if you’d like to learn more about any of these topics, we’re always happy to talk.
The New Lease Accounting Standard: How it May Affect Your Business
Initially introduced in 2016, the new lease accounting standard is now effective for all non-public entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2021. Here’s what you need to know.
What To Expect During A Financial Audit
An audit has been scheduled, and you’re thinking, now what? What should we expect? What will the auditors need from me, and when? We’ve outlined the process with what to expect checklists.
Is An Audit Required For My Non-Profit Organization?
You've started a non-profit, or perhaps your non-profit is growing. First, congratulations on your success. Second, that growth comes with some new responsibilities. Maybe it's a growing group of volunteers to manage or new missions to take on. Potentially one of those responsibilities may be an audit.
Who's Responsible for What During the Audit Process? Boards of Directors, Managing Agents, and Auditors Each Have Roles to Play
The audit process is very complicated, with various parties responsible for specific actions. It is crucial to understand what you are responsible for and understand what it all means. Having this understanding allows you to make informed decisions and to be as engaged in the audit process as you need to be. Here is who is responsible for what during the audit process.
Is An Audit Required For My Non-Profit Organization?
Why Keeping Board Meeting Minutes Is So Important
Good minutes from Board of Director meetings keep the organization on track and moving forward with the mission. But minutes don’t just contain essential information for your organization, but for your future audit as well. Here’s the best way to take minutes and why keeping good minutes will pay off.
Where Did the Auditors Go? A Guide to the Remote Audit
The 80-120 Rule, and How It Affects Your Annual 401(k) Plan Reporting
How to Prepare for a Financial Statement Audit
9 proven ways to keep your audit interruptions — and fees — to a minimum.
NCUA Issues Final Rule On Annual Supervisory Committee Audits, Verifications And Due Date