We See Things Differently

When we’re not addressing clients’ needs for business and financial advisory, assurance or tax matters, we’re researching, learning and thinking about related subjects. Check out some of our thinking on a broad variety of topics that may impact your organization. And if you’d like to learn more about any of these topics, we’re always happy to talk.
IRS to Raise Mileage Rate for Rest of 2022
In the wake of elevated gas prices, the IRS is increasing the optional standard mileage rate for the remaining months of 2022. These rates allow businesses and self-employed workers to calculate the deductible costs of using personal vehicles for business.
Tips for Handling Toxic Board Members
Imagine that your mission is a destination. Your organization and its operations are the vehicle moving towards that destination. Your board members are the drivers behind the steering wheel of that vehicle. What happens when one driver hijacks the car? The car stalls or otherwise gets lost from its destination. Here’s how to recognize and handle a toxic board member, ease tensions, and preserve the organization’s future.
Understanding Your Responsibilities on the Finance Committee
While numbers might not always be the most exciting, your role on a nonprofit’s finance committee is a crucial one. To better serve a nonprofit organization, finance committee members must first understand their responsibilities. We’ve broken down the areas finance committees are typically responsible for.
Why Keeping Board Meeting Minutes Is So Important
Good minutes from Board of Director meetings keep the organization on track and moving forward with the mission. But minutes don’t just contain essential information for your organization, but for your future audit as well. Here’s the best way to take minutes and why keeping good minutes will pay off.
Top Ten Things to Avoid as a CIRA Board
How Detailed are your Association’s Minutes?
Investing Your Reserve Funds
HOAs-Self-manage or go pro?