We See Things Differently

When we’re not addressing clients’ needs for business and financial advisory, assurance or tax matters, we’re researching, learning and thinking about related subjects. Check out some of our thinking on a broad variety of topics that may impact your organization. And if you’d like to learn more about any of these topics, we’re always happy to talk.

Resources, Tax Center MVB Resources, Tax Center MVB

The 5-Step Year-End Planning Checklist for Businesses

Year-end planning is more than just closing your books. It’s your opportunity to learn from the previous year and set your business on the right track to achieve your goals for the upcoming year. Here is a checklist of things you should start now and complete before the end of this year to close this year out right and help your business plan for the upcoming year.

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News MVB News MVB

What Businesses Need to Know About the MarylandSaves Program

In September 2022, Maryland introduced the MarylandSaves program, which is designed to help businesses comply with both federal and state laws mandating that employers offer retirement savings for employees. Here’s what business owners need to know about this program, even if you already offer a retirement plan for employees.

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Tax Center MVB Tax Center MVB

TCJA Tax Benefits Phasing Out: What You Need to Know

When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was signed into law in 2017, the law made significant changes to the U.S. tax code, but those changes were always meant to be temporary. While some of those provisions have already expired, others will continue to phase out until 2027. Here are the notable tax benefits that are expiring soon.

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