Financial Oversight
Few organizations have the luxury of—or need for—an executive in charge of financial oversight when they first launch. Far more typical is that the need for financial guidance grows with the firm, as it wins larger contracts, revenue increases or its capital needs become more complex.
For any of these reasons, an organization may find itself needing the guidance of a finance executive, but not necessarily one who is a full-time employee. At DeLeon & Stang, we can help you address this need in a variety of ways.
Outsourcing options
We can provide outsourced financial oversight, a service sometimes referred to as a fractional CFO. The basic idea is simple: we provide the same type of financial guidance and oversight you would expect from a CFO, but on a pay-as-you-go basis that makes it a highly cost-effective approach for many organizations. Our financial oversight services can encompass a broad variety of financial decisions, from providing counsel on major decisions around capital improvement, to guidance in M&A decisions, budgeting and more.
To learn more about our outsourced financial oversight services, please contact us.

The biggest benefit of working with DeLeon & Stang is having our yearly audit conducted by a company with an impressive reputation. The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network depends on them to evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls as it’s vital to obtaining yearly objectives.
When Clint presents the audit to the Board each year, he goes above and beyond by offering valuable insight on things to expect in the future. This allows the Board to take a proactive approach on items that could negatively impact the organization. The service DeLeon & Stang provides is highly valued.
—Andrea Maddox-Smith, Chief Executive Officer at Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network